Meet M’lea


Hello.  My name is M’lea… muh-lee-ah.  Good!  Okay, where do I start…

About me:

I am an Interior Designer/family obsessed/yogi.  I want to dabble in everything.  The blog portion of my website is dedicated to my life, my struggles, my epiphanies and so on. I don’t filter much so that you can relate, empathize and possibly be encouraged in your faith.

I have an incredible husband, seriously my favorite person on earth.  We have spent 10 years together and I cannot wait for the next 10 and the 10 after that and so on.

I have three girls and a sweet little baby boy.  Stella is 9 and she is loving 3nd grade.  Zoe is 6 and she is killing kindergarten,  then little (not so little) Jovie, she is 4 and a ball of sweetness and joy. Lennox is our long awaited boy who was born in October. I have really great, smart, funny, sweet, energetic kids. The blog covers our journey on trying for a forth. It was been a rocky road, we know we are blessed.


About The Machine House:

The Machine House is my “everything” business.  I use quotations because narrowing down my passions gives me a bad case of FOMO. I can’t limit what I do, and neither should you.

I cover design for making your house a home. I can offer support in picking paint colors, designing a rental, planning an event, or decorating for the holidays but what I am most passionate about is my new endeavor that is covered in the umbrella of The Machine House. Mini Retreats. They cover mind, body, soul, home and life. They are lifestyle retreats and they are the bests parts of me. The first one is in January 2018.

Interior Design:

Designs tell stories and great designs bring out the best in people. Whether they are gathered around the kitchen table or conference table, spaces have the ability to create inspiration and retreat.

I am passionate about designing beautiful spaces and events with a knack for a creative problem solving,

After graduating from the University of Central Oklahoma in interior design, I opened my own business THE MACHINE HOUSE in 2013.  Since then I have worked with a portfolio of diverse clients creating homes, spaces and events that celebrates their uniqueness.

I aspire to create memorable impressions that remind people of what they love and give them greater confidence in who they are. I tend to focus on classics above trends, but there is always room to incorporate whimsy. I work best when I can collaborate with a client or team and find joy when I can bring ingenuity to a project by balancing practicality with creativity.

Don’t miss WELL + PLENTY, you can get all the info on the tab above. This is my baby and what I am focusing mostly on these days. Never knew so much fulfillment was waiting for me.

All in all I love to be creative and encourage creativity in others. If you are interested in hiring me for a design or in a retreat please contact me at